At, know the word “pet” does not do justice to these wonderful creatures who love us unconditionally, who support us, who lead us when we’re blind, who save our lives, and who bring us such joy.
We fully understand that pets have powers well beyond our comprehension. They effortlessly wrap us around their fingers or paws, or claws, or fins, or feathers, or whatever…and a simple look says a million words that instantly melts our hearts and renders us powerless to their persuasion.
It won't come as a surprise that GayTravel's corporate pet policy is inclusive: all pets welcome! In fact, at our company, our pets pretty much rule the roost. Because of their unique skill sets and exceptional extra-sensory abilities, they hold lofty titles such as "Chief Happiness Officer." Our pets participate in all of GayTravel’s teleconferences, and they take their jobs VERY seriously. You can see for yourselves that they are constantly looking over our shoulders and breathing down our necks while we work.
Pets Have the Power to Improve Your Health!
Did you know that having the responsibility of taking care of a pet is good for you? The gifts we receive in return for bestowing our loving care are exponential. This remarkable phenomenon is, in fact, backed scientific evidence and could be one reason why so many of us feel better (and have stronger immunity defences) because of our powerful pets.
According to WebMD, here are some physical and mental health benefits for those with pets.
- Less Stress: our bodies produce less cortisol, a stress hormone when pets are present, thereby making us calmer and more relaxed.
- Better Blood Pressure: studies show that pet owners have lower blood pressure and lower heart rates, and that simply petting a pet can improve your numbers.
- Mood Boost: as we watch a fish swim or as we touch a dog or cat, our bodies go through physical changes. A “feel-good” chemical called serotonin is released, and we feel better!
- Better Heart Health: a 20-year study shows that pet owners are less likely to die of cardiac disease, including heart failure.
- Ease Depression: Pets can help you deal and recover from depression
In honor of our pets, please Fetch a Photo, video, or story of YOU and your pet and share it with GayTravel and email your submissions to We’ll post the top-ranking submissions as rated by our Gay Travelers.
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